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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   parent-namespace as String?,
   parent-localname as String,
   namespace as String?,
   localname as String,
   coordinate-system as String,
   range-value-positions as Boolean,
   [point-format as String],
   [invalid-values as String]
) as element(db.geospatialElementChildIndex)


This function constructs a geospatial element child index specification.

parent-namespace The namespace of the parent element for the attribute.
parent-localname The local name of the parent element for the attribute.
namespace The namespace URI. Specify an empty string if the element is in no namespace.
localname The local name for the node.
coordinate-system The coordinate system. Must be one of wgs84, wgs84/double, etrs89, etrs89/double, raw, raw/double.
range-value-positions A boolean specifying whether to maintain value positions in this index (used with co-occurrences).
point-format The point format in the data: "point" means latitude precedes longitude (this is the default); "long-lat-point" means longitude precedes latitude. To use the default value of "point", simply omit this parameter. Do not specify an empty string.
invalid-values An option to handle values that do not meet the range index type. Must be one of: reject (default), ignore.


  const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');
	fn.false() )

   //returns the geospatial element child index specification 

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