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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   namespace as String?,
   localname as String,
   [attribute-namespace as String?],
   [attribute-localname as String],
   [attribute-value as String]
) as element(db.excludedElement)


This function constructs an excluded element specification.

namespace The namespace URI. Specify an empty string if the element is in no namespace.
localname The local name for the node.
attribute-namespace The namespace URI for the constraining attribute.
attribute-localname The localname for the constraining attribute.
attribute-value The value for the constraining attribute.

Usage Notes

If the third parameter is included, the fourth and fifth must also be included. These parameters are for constraining the excluded element based on a particular attribute value.


  const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');

   //the constructed element 

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