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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   config as element(configuration),
   backup-option as xs.NMTOKEN
) as element(configuration)


This function is used to set the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet.

config A configuration specification, typically as returned from one of the Admin module functions.
backup-option The backup option to use. Valid values are: include and exclude By default the embedded KMS (PKCS#11 wallet) is automatically included in backups. Setting the option to exclude will prevent the embedded KMS from being included in the backups.


const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');
const option = "exclude"
const config = admin.getConfiguration()

   //returns the new configuration element -- use admin.saveConfiguration to save
//the changes to the configuration or pass the configuration to other Admin API
//functions to make other changes. 

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