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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
Scheduled Database Backup Configuration Help
Scheduled Backups
allow you to specify a time in the future to perform a
database backup. The backup can either be one time or recurring.
To schedule a database backup, click the
Create tab and specify when and how often you want the
backup to occur.
The following are the configuration
backup directory
specifies the directory to which you want the database backed
backup type
specifies the task type:
specifies how many minutes between each backup.
specifies how many hours and minutes between each backup.
specifies how many days between each backup and the time of day
(in 24:00 notation).
specifies how many weeks between each backup, check one or
more days of the week, and the time of day (in 24:00 notation) for the
task to start.
specifies how many months between each backup, select one day
of the month (1-31), and the time of day (in 24:00 notation) for the
task to start.
specifies the start date in MM/DD/YYYY notation (for example,
07/29/2009 for July 29, 2009) and time in 24:00 notation.
backup period
specifies how often the backup should run (every n months, weeks,
days, hours or minutes).
specifies which days to perform the scheduled backup.
backup start time
specifies the start time (in 24:00 notation) to start this
schduled backup.
max backups
specifies the maximum number of backups to keep. When you reach the
specified maximum number of backups, the next backup will delete
the oldest backup. Choose 0 to disable backup deletions.
This setting does not apply for incremental backups.
backup security database
specifies whether you want the backups to include the security
database for this scheduled backup.
backup schemas database
specifies whether you want the backups to include the schemas
database for this scheduled backup.
backup triggers database
specifies whether you want the backups to include the triggers
database for this scheduled backup.
include replicas specifies whether to
include replica forests in the backup when local-disk
failover is configured on your cluster.
Specify true to include all local-disk replica forests for this
database in the backup; specify false to not include
the replicas. If you specify false, then if you have
local-disk failover configured and a forest is
failed over onto a replica at the time of the backup, then
the backup will fail.
incremental backup
specifies whether to only backup the data changed since the
last backup.
journal archiving
specifies whether to enable the point-in-time recovery
A Key Encryption Key (KEK) to use for backup encryption, the must valid
and be usable to encrypt and decrypt.
This field can only be provided when MarkLogic is configured with an external KMS.