Client API (Search)

Use the interfaces in this section to perform query operations such searching using string, structured, combined, or Query By Example; lexicon browsing; and search suggestion generation. For details, see Using and Configuring Query Features in the REST Application Developer's Guide.

10 resources
Resource URI Description
/v1/qbe (GET) Search the database using a Query By Example or perform a multi-document read for documents that match a Query By Example.
/v1/qbe (POST) Search the database using a Query By Example or perform a multi-document read for documents that match a Query By Example.
/v1/search (DELETE) Remove documents in a collection or directory, or clear the database.
/v1/search (GET) Search the database using a string query, structured query, or cts:query.
/v1/search (POST) Search the database using a string query, structured query, a cts:query, or a combined query in the POST body.
/v1/suggest (GET) Retrieve a list of suggested constraint prefixes and/or constraint values that match (complete) the input query text, similar to the XQuery function search:suggest.
/v1/suggest (POST) Retrieve a list of suggested constraint prefixes and/or constraint values that match (complete) the input query text, similar to the XQuery function search:suggest.
/v1/values (GET) Retrieve a list of lexicon configurations available for use with GET /v1/values/{name}.
/v1/values/{name} (GET) Query the values in a lexicon or range index, or find co-occurrences of values in multiple range indexes.
/v1/values/{name} (POST) Query the values in a lexicon or range index, or find co-occurrences of values in multiple range indexes.
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