Connector for SharePoint® Administrator's Guide (PDF)

Connector for SharePoint® Administrator's Guide — Chapter 5

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Troubleshooting the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint

This chapter describes the log files and trace event you can use to troubleshoot the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint. The following sections are included:

Error Log for the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint

There is an error log for the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint that logs errors in the connector at various levels. The name of the file is MLConnector.log, and it is located in the directory where the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint feature is installed, which is typically the following directory:

c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extension\

Logging Activity on the SharePoint Server

To log activity at the SharePoint server, log into SharePoint as an administrator and click Site Actions -> Mark Logic Server Settings menu. Configure logging by setting the log directory and the log priority threshold.

The default priority threshold is Notice. To see debugging information, set the threshold to Debug. To change the log configuration, make changes to the log directory or priority threshold and then click Configure.

MarkLogic Server Trace Events for the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint

The following MarkLogic Server trace event allows you to log SharePoint-related activity on MarkLogic Server:

SPC requests

To enable this trace event in MarkLogic Server, use the MarkLogic Server Admin Interface Diagnostics page (Group > group-name > Diagnostics). On the Diagnostics page in the Admin Interface, enter the SPC requests event and enable trace events, then click OK.

When the trace event is activated, various messages will be logged to the MarkLogic Server ErrorLog.txt file. For more details about the MarkLogic Server log file, see the Administrator's Guide.

Increasing the Execution Timeout of an ASP.NET Request

If mirroring documents (for example, when you click on Push To Server button) times out, you might see the following error in the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint error log:

MLConnector:DocUpload: Thread was being aborted

To avoid this error, you can increase execution timeout of MarkLogic connector ASP.NET execution request. To increase the timeout, change the httpRunTime executionTimeout setting in the web.config file. The timeout is specified in millseconds and defaults to 24 hours (86400000 milliseconds). The file is located in the directory where the MarkLogic Connector for SharePoint feature is installed, which is typically the following directory:

c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extension\

Folders Restored from Recycle Bin

There is a bug in SharePoint such that when a folder is restored from the Recycle Bin, no SharePoint event is generated. This causes documents and folders in the restored folder to not be mirrored to Mark Logic server.

To workaround this issue, when a mirrored folder is restored from the Recycle Bin, the administrator must manually push the containing document library to Mark Logic server.

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