
   config as element(configuration),
   group-id as (Number|String),
   appserver-name as String,
   root as String,
   port as (Number|String),
   database-id as (Number|String)
) as element(configuration)


This function creates a new WebDAV App Server with the specified name, library, and port in the configuration.

config A configuration specification, typically as returned from one of the Admin module functions.
group-id The ID of the group to which the App Server belongs. Typically, this is the result of an admin:group-get-id call.
appserver-name The name of the App Server. The name must be unique among the App Server names for the group.
root The root of the App Server.
port The port on which the App Server listens. The port must be available on the host.
database-id The ID of the database (for example, xdmp:database("myDatabase")).

Required Privileges

This operation requires at least one of the following privileges:{id}

Usage Notes

Any group or database whose ID you pass into this function must exist when the transaction begins, otherwise an exception is thrown. If you need to create the group and/or database, do so in a separate transaction before using them in in this function.


  const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');
  var config = admin.getConfiguration()
  var groupid = admin.groupGetId(config, "myGroup")
  admin.webdavServerCreate(config, groupid, "myNewAppServer",
        "/space/mycode", 8005, xdmp.database("myDatabase") )

   //returns the new configuration element -- use admin.saveConfiguration
   //to save the changes to the configuration or pass the configuration
   //to other Admin API functions to make other changes.  
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