More than one host attempted to write to the same forest label. XDMP-FORESTTAKEN
most often occurs when the host reporting the error loses connection with the rest of cluster, yet is still up. The failure sequence may be:
and restarts.If the host reporting XDMP-FORESTTAKEN
is actually temporarily disconnected from its cluster, the system is performing as expected. No action is required.
If the cluster disconnection is unexpected, investigate the cause of the interruption. Possible causes include network interrupts, heavy load, or thread starvation on the reporting host.
If the cluster disconnection is due to regular, expected load, consider changing the host timeout or XDQP timeout. For more information, see Configuring Failover for a Forest in the Scalability, Availability, and Failover Guide. Increasing these timeouts increases how long it takes the system to detect and respond to a real outage.
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