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Developing with XCC

Using Multi-statement Transactions With Older MarkLogic Versions

If you use multi-statement transactions or set the transaction time limit when using XCC version 8.0-2 or later with versions of MarkLogic Server older than 8.0-2, you should set the system property xcc.txn.compatible to true. If you do not set this, then you will get an exception when trying to set the transaction mode or transaction time limit.

You can set the property on the java command line with an argument of the following form:

java -Dxcc.txn.compatible=true

You can also set the property programmatically by calling System.setProperty.

You do not need to set the property if your XCC application does not use multi-statement transactions or if your application communicates with MarkLogic Server version 8.0-2 or later.