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Getting Started with Optic

With an Ordered Result

We want to retrieve the data in alphabetical order according to employee last name.

An Optic query like this one retrieves a row sequence containing all view columns with rows in ascending order by the value of a specified column:

op.fromView('Employee', 'Profile')
  .offsetLimit(0, 100)

We used this query to retrieve a row sequence of all 23 columns defined in our view for each employee with rows in ascending order by Surname. We limited our output to the first 100 results:

Here are row 1 and part of row 2 of the 100-row x 23-column result:

  "Employee.Profile.GUID": "523b80e5-b98b-46d4-b74f-a755e071e05b", 
  "Employee.Profile.HiredDate": "2017-12-09", 
  "Employee.Profile.Gender": "female", 
  "Employee.Profile.Title": "Mrs.", 
  "Employee.Profile.GivenName": "Jean", 
  "Employee.Profile.MiddleInitial": "T", 
  "Employee.Profile.Surname": "Abbey",                                // Surname: Abbey
  "Employee.Profile.StreetAddress": "1878 School Street", 
  "Employee.Profile.City": "Wilton", 
  "Employee.Profile.State": "CT", 
  "Employee.Profile.ZipCode": "6897", 
  "Employee.Profile.Country": "US", 
  "Employee.Profile.EmailAddress": "", 
  "Employee.Profile.TelephoneNumber": "203-761-3316", 
  "Employee.Profile.TelephoneCountryCode": "1", 
  "Employee.Profile.Birthday": "2/15/62", 
  "Employee.Profile.NationalID": "041-03-4433", 
  "Employee.Profile.Point": "41.232025,-73.441277", 
  "Employee.Profile.BaseSalary": 72334, 
  "Employee.Profile.Bonus": 7233, 
  "Employee.Profile.Department": "Marketing", 
  "Employee.Profile.Status": "Active - Regular Exempt (Full-time)", 
  "Employee.Profile.ManagerGUID": "d0862e5d-5be6-473b-a500-3e3a852b2bb8"
  "Employee.Profile.GUID": "71ea8757-e12e-45a9-bd42-a576b431812e", 
  "Employee.Profile.HiredDate": "2012-08-19", 
  "Employee.Profile.Gender": "female", 
  "Employee.Profile.Title": "Mrs.", 
  "Employee.Profile.GivenName": "Donna", 
  "Employee.Profile.MiddleInitial": "J", 
  "Employee.Profile.Surname": "Acevedo"                               // Surname: Acevedo
// ... (other 16 columns)
  • This query returned the first 100 results as we specified in offsetLimit().

  • The rows are in alphabetical order according to the Surname column.

  • The columns are presented in the order we defined them in our view.

    • To change the order for this query alone, put all the columns into the select() operator function in your desired order.

    • To permanently change the column order, edit your TDE to change their order in your view.

  • To restrict the columns returned, use the select() operator function.