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Using MarkLogic Content Pump (mlcp)

No or Too Few Files Loaded During Import

If ATTEMPTED_INPUT_RECORD_COUNT is non-zero and SKIPPED_INPUT_RECORD_COUNT is zero, then errors may have occurred on the server side or your combination of options may be inconsistent. For example:

  • The input type is documents, and the document type is set to (or determined to be) XML, but the input file fails to parse properly as XML. Correct the error in the input data and try again.

  • You set -input_file_path to a location containing compressed files, but you did not set -input_compressed and -input_compression_codec. In this case, mlcp will load the compressed files as binary documents rather than creating documents from the contents of the compressed files.

  • You set -document_type to a value inconsistent with the input data referenced by -input_file_path.

If ATTEMPTED_INPUT_RECORD_COUNT is non-zero and SKIPPED_INPUT_RECORD_COUNT is non-zero, then there are probably formatting errors in your input that mlcp detected on the client. Correct the input errors and try again. For example:

  • A syntax error was encountered while splitting an aggregate XML file into multiple pieces of document content.

  • A delimited text file contains records (lines) with an incorrect number of column values or with no value for the URI id column.

If mlcp reports an ATTEMPTED_INPUT_RECORD_COUNT of 0, then the tool found no input documents meeting your requirements. If there are errors or warnings, correct them and try again. If there are no errors, then the combination of options on your command line probably does not select any suitable documents. For example:

  • You set -input_compressed -input_compression_codec zip, but -input_file_path references a location that contains no ZIP files.

  • You set -input_compressed ,and you set -input_file_path to a location containing compressed files, but you failed to set -input_compression_codec.