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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Examples of Index Path Expressions

The following table provides examples of XPath expressions that are valid and invalid for defining a path range index.


Avoid creating multiple path indexes that end with the same element/attribute, as ingestion performance degrades with the number of path indexes that end in common element/attributes.









/a/b[c=5 and b=3]













author[first-name="John" and last-name="Smith"]

author[first-name="John" or first-name="Sam"]






/a/(./b | c)/d

/a/(/a/b | /a/c)/d



/a[fn:matches(@expr, 'is')]




Namespace prefixes are permitted in all valid path expressions. Note that you can also use fn:matches and fn:contains as part of the path expression, but you cannot use other functions in the path expression. Use cts:valid-index-path to test if a path expression is valid for an index path.