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Administrating MarkLogic Server

App Server Status Page

The App Server Status page lists information about the activity of an app server. The page contains this information:

  • Host - The name of the host. Click the link for more detailed information.

  • Threads - The number of threads currently in use by the application server for the host.

  • Requests - The number of requests being processed by this host through the application server.

  • Updates - The number of update queries being processed by this host through the application server.

  • Queued - The number of requests waiting to be processed in the application server queue.

  • Average Time - The average query response times for queries being processed.

  • Request Rate - The number of queries processed per second.

  • Oldest Request - The elapsed time of the longest-running query.

  • Hits - The number of times queries could use the expanded tree cache.

  • Misses - The number of times queries could not use the expanded tree cache.

  • Ratio - The ratio of expanded tree cache hits to total times the cache was accessed.