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Securing MarkLogic Server

Terms Used in This Section

The following terms are used in this section:

  • Authentication is the process of verifying user credentials for a named user, usually based on a username and password. Authentication generally verifies user credentials and associates a session with the authenticated user. It does not grant any access or authority to perform any actions on the system. Authentication can be done internally inside MarkLogic Server, or externally by means of a Kerberos or LDAP server. This section describes how to configure MarkLogic Server for external authentication using either the Kerberos or LDAP protocol, SAML, or Certificates.

  • Authorization is the process of allowing a user to perform some action, such as create, read, update, or delete a document or execute a program, based on the user's identity. Authorization defines what an authenticated user is allowed to do on the server. When an App Server is configured for external authentication, authorization can be done either by MarkLogic Server or by LDAP.

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an authentication protocol for accessing server resources over an internet or intranet network. An LDAP server provides a centralized user database where one password can be used to authenticate a user for access to multiple servers in the network. LDAP is supported on Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 and OpenLDAP 2.4 on Linux and other Unix platforms.

  • Kerberos is a ticket-based authentication protocol for trusted hosts on untrusted networks. Kerberos provides users with encrypted tickets that can be used to request access to particular servers. Because Kerberos uses tickets, both the user and the server can verify each other's identity and user passwords do not have to pass through the network.

  • An External Authentication Configuration Object specifies which authentication protocol and authorization scheme to use, along with any other parameters necessary for LDAP authentication. After an external authentication configuration object is created, multiple App Servers can use the same configuration object.

  • A Distinguished Name (DN) is a sequence of Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs), which are attributes with associated values expressed by the form attribute=value. Each RDN is separated by a comma in a DN. For example, to identify the user, joe, as having access to the server MARKLOGIC1.COM, the DN for joe would look like this: UID=joe,CN=Users,DC=MARKLOGIC1,DC=COM.


    The attributes after UID make up what is known as the Base DN.

    For details on LDAP DNs, see

  • A Principal is a unique identity to which Kerberos can assign tickets. For example, in Kerberos, a user is a principal that consists of a user name and a server resource, described as a realm. Each user or service that participates in a Kerberos authentication realm must have a principal defined in the Kerberos database.

    A user principal is defined by the format: username@REALM.NAME. For example, to identify the user, joe, as having access to the server MARKLOGIC1.COM, the principal might look like this: joe@MARKLOGIC1.COM.

    For details on Kerberos principals, see

  • Certificate Authentication enables HTTPS clients to authenticate themselves to MarkLogic server via a client certificate, either in addition to, or instead of, a password.

  • SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an authorization scheme that defines a Principal (such as a user), an Identity Provider (IDP), and a Service Provider (SP). In this scheme, the Principal requests a service from the Service Provider, which accesses the Identity Provider to authorize the Principal. MarkLogic supports SAML, version 2.0.


    MarkLogic currently only supports SOAP binding over HTTPS.

  • A SAML Entity is an XML document located in the MarkLogic Security database that serves as the SAML Identity Provider.