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Securing MarkLogic Server

A More Complex Example

To expand even more on the node-update example with added document permissions, you could have roles with both protected paths and document permissions.

Say you have a document with these nodes:


At the document level, there are these permissions:

("role1", "read"), ("role1", "node-update")
("role2", "read"), ("role2", "node-update")
("role3", "read"), ("role3", "update")

At the element level, there are these permissions for protected paths:

<foo>, ("role1", "read"), ("role1", "node-update")
<bar>, ("role2", "read"), ("role2", "node-update")

In this example,

  • role1 cannot update (or override) <bar> because at the element level role2 has <bar> protected path permissions.

  • role3 can override everything because at the document level it has update capability but can only read <baz> which has no protected paths.