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Securing MarkLogic Server


A user in MarkLogic Server is the basis for authenticating requests to a MarkLogic Server application server. Users are assigned to roles. Roles carry security attributes, such as privileges and default permissions. Permissions assigned to documents pair a role with a capability. Therefore, roles are central to document permissions. Users derive authorization to perform actions from their roles.

You configure users in the Admin Interface, where you assign a user a name, a password, a set of roles, and a set of default permissions. To see the security attributes associated with a given user, click the User:username link on the Admin Interface screen for the given user. For details on configuring users in the Admin Interface, see Security Administration in Administrating MarkLogic Server.

During the initial installation of MarkLogic Server, four users are created:

  • Authorized administrator - has the admin role. During the installation, you are prompted to specify the username and password for this user. 

  • nobody - this user is created with the rest-reader, rest-extension-user, app-user, and harmonized-reader roles. A password is randomly generated.

  • healthcheck

  • infostudio-admin

For details about installing MarkLogic Server, see Installation Guide for All Platforms.