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Monitor MarkLogic Server

Telemetry on the Support page

To verify the MarkLogic telemetry data being collected or see a sample of what is being sent, check the Telemetry section on the Support page. To navigate to the Support page in the Admin Interface click the Support tab.

The top part of this page is used to create Support Request information, and is independent of Telemetry data files, which are sent continuously once enabled. The Support Request data is a snapshot of the system information that can be sent to MarkLogic secure storage on demand.

In the Telemetry section, you can verify the information that telemetry has collected to send on a scheduled basis, and check the current telemetry status for the different types of data. To change the configuration, click the hyperlink next to each telemetry option. You can also:

  • Enable or disable collection of different types of telemetry on the Group Settings page by clicking the link next to each type.

  • Check the levels for the types of data to collect for telemetry: log messages, metering data, and configuration information. You can set these on the Group Settings page. See Enable telemetry on the Group Configuration page for details.

After you have configured your telemetry settings on the Group Settings page, the information will be displayed on this page, and collected and sent automatically in the background. You can manually upload support request data to MarkLogic Support by selecting the radio button next to “upload to MarkLogic Secure Storage” and clicking the ok button. The Support Request confirmation screen will be displayed when the upload is complete.

The confirmation includes the cluster ID for the Support Request information and a timestamp. Include this information in your email to MarkLogic Support. Support will also need to know the time of the incident or when the issue was first noticed. See Upload a support request to support for more information.


Telemetry data is collected only after you enable the telemetry settings. We recommend that you enable telemetry as a normal practice, so that you have the system information available as part of a Support request should you have an issue.