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Monitor MarkLogic Server

Metering data

To view the metering data that is being collected as part of the baseline system information, you can use the Query Console. To see the data do the following:

  1. In the Query Console, select the Meters database.

  2. Click the Explore button.

  3. You will see files ending in “-raw.xml”, “-hourly.xml”, and “-day.xml”. Filenames ending in “-raw.xml” are collected every minute, if telemetry is enabled. Filenames ending in “-hour.xml” are collected hourly, and those ending in “-day.xml” are collected daily. There may also be files ending in “features.xml”.

Note the size of the data that is returned.

  • Hour = 60 * minutes

  • Day = 24 * hours * 3600 * minutes.

Hourly and Daily metering is very small, while raw data is much larger.