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Monitor MarkLogic Server

Enabe monitoring history on a group

To collect monitoring history data for your cluster, you must enable performance metering for your group.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface.

  2. Click the Groups icon on the left tree menu.

  3. Locate the Performance Metering Enabled field toward the bottom of the Group Configure page and click on true.

You can configure the parameters for collecting monitoring history data, as described in the following table.



meters database

The database in which performance monitoring history data and usage metrics documents are stored. By default, historical performance and usage metrics are stored in the Meters database.

performance metering period

The performance metering period, in minutes. Performance data is collected at each period. The period can be any value of 1 minute or more.


If you are collecting monitoring history for multiple groups, you should either set the same period for each group or configure your filter to view the history data for one group at a time.

performance metering retain raw

The number of days raw performance monitoring history data is retained. See Set the monitoring history data retention policy for details.

performance metering retain hourly

The number of days hourly performance monitoring history data is retained. See Set the monitoring history data retention policy for details.

performance metering retain daily

The number of days daily performance monitoring history data is retained. See Set the monitoring history data retention policy for details.