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Using MarkLogic Content Pump (mlcp)

Command Line Summary

The mlcp command line has the following structure. Note that you should always use mlcp.bat on Windows; using with Cygwin is not supported.

  • Linux and OS X: command options

  • Windows: mlcp.bat command options

Where command is one of the commands in the table below. Each command has a set of command-specific options, which are covered in the section that discusses the command.




Import data from the file system or standard input to a MarkLogic Server database. For a list of options usable with this command, see Import Command Line Options.


Export data from a MarkLogic Server database to the file system. For a list of options usable with this command, see Export Command Line Options.


Copy data from one MarkLogic Server database to another. For a list of options usable with this command, see Copy Command Line Options.


Use Direct Access to extract files from a forest file to documents on the native file system. For a list of options usable with this command, see Extract Command Line Options.


Report mlcp runtime environment version information, including the mlcp and JRE versions, as well as the supported MarkLogic version.


Display brief help about mlcp.

Options can also be specified in an options file using -options_file. Options files and command line options can be used together. For details, see Options File Syntax.

Note the following conventions for command line options to mlcp:

  • Prefix options with a single dash (-).

  • Option names are case-sensitive.

  • If an option has a value, separate the option name and value with white space. For example: mlcp import -username admin

  • If an option has a predefined set of possible values, such as -mode, the option values are case-insensitive unless otherwise noted.

  • If an option appears more than once on the command line, the first occurrence is used.

  • When string option values require quoting, use single quotes. For example: -output_uri_replace "this,'that '".

  • The value of a boolean typed option can be omitted. If the value is omitted, true is implied. For example, -copy_collections is equivalent to -copy_collections true.