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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Canceling a Merge

You can cancel a merge in the Database Status page of the Admin Interface (Databases > db_name > Status tab). If you access the status page for a database during a merge, on the part of the status page for the stand(s) being merged, there is a cancel button (usually on the bottom right of the status page).


When you cancel a merge, the new stand that has not completed its merge is discarded, leaving the unmerged stands as they were before the merge began. Note that if you cancel an automatic merge, it might start up a new merge as soon as it is canceled (if the merge controls are set such that a merge is triggered). To avoid this situation, you can change some of the merge control parameters before you cancel an automatic merge.

To cancel a merge:

  1. Click the Databases Menu item in the Admin Interface.

  2. Click the name of the database, either from the tree menu or from the summary page.

  3. Click the Status tab.

  4. At the bottom right of the Database Status page, click the cancel button on the row for the stand being merged.

  5. Click OK on the Cancel Merge confirmation page.

The merge is canceled and the Database Status page appears again.