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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Making a Forest Delete-Only

You can configure a forest to only allow read and delete operations, disallowing inserts and updates to any documents stored in the forest. A delete-only forest is useful in cases where you have multiple forests in a database and you want to manage which forests change. To set a forest to only allow delete operations (and disallow inserts and updates), navigate to the configuration page for the forest you want specify as delete-only and set the updates allowed field to delete-only.

When a forest is set to delete-only, updates to documents in a delete-only forest that do not specify a forest ID will throw an exception. Updates to documents in a delete-only forest that specify one or more forest IDs of other forests in the database will result in the documents moving to one of those other forests. When a document moves forests, the old version of the document will be marked as deleted, and will be removed from the forest during the next merge.

To specify an update that will move a document in a delete-only forest to an updateable forest, you must specify the forest ID of at least one forest in which updates are allowed. One technique to accomplish this is to always specify all of the forest IDs, as in the following xdmp:document-insert example which lists all of the forests in the database for the $forest-ids parameter:

xdmp:document-insert($uri, $node, (), (), 0, 
   xdmp:database-forests(xdmp:database()) ) 


You can only move a document from a delete-only forest to a forest that allows updates using an API that takes forest IDs, and then by explicitly setting the forest IDs to include one or more forests that allow updates. The node-level update built-in functions (xdmp:node-replace, xdmp:node-insert-child, and so on) do not have a forest IDs parameter and therefore do not support moving documents.

Under normal operating circumstances, you likely will not need to set a forest to be delete-only. Additionally, even if the reindexer is enabled at the database level, documents in a forest that is set to delete-only will not be reindexed.

There are cases where delete-only forests are useful, however. One of the use cases for delete-only forests is if you have multiple forests and you want to control when some forests are merging. The best way to control merges in a forest is to not insert any new content in the forest. In this scenario, you can set some of the forests to be delete-only, and then those forests will not merge during that time (unless you manually specify a merge, either with the xdmp:merge API or by clicking the Merge button in the Admin Interface). After a while, you can rotate which forests are delete-only. For example, if you have four forests, you can make two of them delete-only for one day, and then make the other two delete-only the next day, switching the first two forest back to allowing updates. This approach will only have two forests being updated (and periodically merging) at a time, thus needing less disk space for merging. For more details about merges, see Understanding and Controlling Database Merges.