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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Attaching and Detaching Forests Using the Forest Summary Page

The Forest Summary page lists all of the forests in the cluster, along with various information about each forest such as its status, which host is the primary host, and amount of free space for each forest. It also lists which database each forest is attached to, and allows you to attach and/or detach forests from databases. Alternately, you can use the Database Forest Configuration page to attach and detach a forest, as described in Attaching and/or Detaching Forests to/from a Database.

Follow these steps to attach or detach one or more forests to or from a database:

  1. Click the Forests icon on the left tree menu. The Forest Summary page appears:

  2. For each forest whose database assignment you want to change, select the name of the new database assignment.

  3. After you have made your selections, click OK to save the forest assignment changes.


If you change a database assignment from one database to another, it will detach the forest from the previous setting and attach it to the new setting. Be sure that is what you intend to do. Also, if you detach from one database and attach to another database with different index settings, the forest will begin reindexing if reindexer enable is set to true.

The forests you attached or detached are now reflected in the database configuration. Attaching and detaching a forest to a database are “hot” admin tasks.