Loading Documents into a Database
You can use the Admin Interface to load documents into the database. The documents will be loaded with the default permissions and added to the default collections of the user with which you logged into the Admin Interface.
To load a set of documents into a database, follow these steps:
Click the Databases icon on the left tree menu.
Click the database into which you want to load the documents.
Click the Load tab near the top right.
Enter the name of the directory in which the documents are located. This directory must be accessible by the host from which the Admin Interface is currently running.
Enter a filter for the names of the documents to be loaded (for example,
to load all files with an xml extension). For an exact match, enter the full name of the document.Click OK to proceed. The load confirmation screen lists all documents in the specified directory matching the specified filter.
Click OK to complete the load.
The documents are loaded into the database. The URI path of the documents are the same as your filesystem path.