Example: Creating a New Configuration Document
Use this example to create an entirely new configuration document, rather than replacing just a portion of the existing configuration. For incremental changes, see the remaining examples.
Follow this procedure to create a new configuration using the template configuration that is installed with MarkLogic. Note that the template configuration is not active by default.
Read the template configuration from the App-Services database to get a baseline for your changes. This script reads the default:
xquery version "1.0-ml"; fn:doc('/cluster-ui-settings.xml')
Modify the configuration to meet your requirements.
Insert the new configuration into the App-Services database. This script is an example:
xquery version "1.0-ml"; let $new-config := (: YOUR CONFIG ELEM HERE :) return xdmp:document-insert('/cluster-ui-settings.xml', $new-config)
Navigate to one of the built-in MarkLogic applications to observe your changes. For example, navigate to Query Console (
). If you already had one of the applications open in your browser, reload the page.
If you do not get a dialog or see the banner, there is likely an error in your configuration. MarkLogic validates your configuration against the schema in INSTALL_DIR