sec.oauthServer( oauth-vendor as String, oauth-flow-type as String, oauth-client-id as String, oauth-token-type as String, oauth-username-attribute as String, oauth-role-attribute as String, [oauth-privilege-attribute as String], [oauth-jwt-issuer-uri as String], [oauth-jwt-alg as String], [oauth-jwt-key-ids as String[]], [oauth-jwt-secret-values as String[]], [oauth-jwks-uri as String] ) as element(sec.oauthServer)
This function configures an OAuth server for use by the sec:create-external-security function.
This function must be executed against the security database.
// execute this against the security database const sec = require('/MarkLogic/security'); sec.oauthServer("Ping Identity", "Resource server", "test", "JSON Web Tokens", "username", "roles", "privileges", "", "HS256", ("test1"), ("testsecret1"), "");
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