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Matches for cat:function/xquery (cat:function/xquery (cat:function/xquery (xdmp.eval))) have been highlighted. remove


   $xquery as xs:string,
   [$vars as item()*],
   [$options as (element()|map:map)?]
) as item()*


Evaluate a string as XQuery code for profiling. A prof:report node will be prepended to any output produced by evaluating the string. If profiling is not enabled for the App Server, this function will throw a PROF-PROFILEALLOW exception.

Note that profiling does not cross eval/invoke boundaries. If the request being profiled calls xdmp:eval or xdmp:invoke, the individual expressions in that code will not be profiled. The overall time taken by the called code will appear as a single call in the caller's profiling report.

$xquery The XQuery string to be evaluated. If the XQuery string contains double quotes ("), surround the string with single quotes (').
$vars The external variable values for this evaluation. This must be a sequence of even length, alternating QNames and items. Each QName and item pair specify a variable name and value.
options The options node. The default value is (). The node must be in the xdmp:eval namespace.

Required Privileges

Either http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/profile-my-requests or http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/profile-any-requests is required for prof:eval (the profile-my-requests privilege is suffient because the resulting request is always run by the same user who initiated the call, but the profile-any-requests privilege will also work).

See Also


  => (<prof:report>...</prof:report>,9478952250821284456)

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