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MarkLogic Server on Kubernetes

Deploy Helm with HTTPS enabled

The MarkLogic Helm Chart supports installing MarkLogic with HTTPS enabled on the default app servers. The default app servers are App-Services (8000), Admin (8001), and Manage (8002)

Choose the type of certificate 

Two types of certificates are supported: standard certificates and temporary certificates.

  • Temporary Certificates - A temporary certificate is ideal for development purposes. When using a temporary certificate for MarkLogic App Servers, a signed certificate does not need to be supplied. The certificate will be generated automatically.

  • Standard Certificates - A standard certificate is issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) for a specific domain (host name for MarkLogic server).  A standard certificate is strongly recommended for production environments. Support is provided for both named certificates and wildcard certificates.

    • Named Certificate - Each host must possess a designated certificate with a matching common name (CN).

    • Wildcard Certificate - A single wildcard certificate can be used for all hosts within a cluster.