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   node as Node,
   [config as Object]
) as Node


This function transforms an XML document to JSON and returns an xml element.

node The node to transform. If the config parameter is not supplied, or it is created from json:config('basic') then the node must be a document conforming to the schema produced by json:transform-from-json when called with the basic.
config If present, the configuration object representing the strategy, otherwise the 'basic' strategy is used.

Usage Notes

The supplied document (element or document node) is transformed to JSON using the default (basic) strategy and returned as an element. The element will be either a json:object or json:array element.

When the default "basic" strategy is used, the XML node must be in the http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json/basic namespace.

See Also


const json = require('/MarkLogic/json/json.xqy');

json.transformToJsonXml( xdmp.unquote('<root><key>value</key></root>'), json.config('full'))

/* The following JSON XML is produced:
<json:object xmlns:json="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json" 
  <json:entry key="root">
  <json:entry key="_children">
      <json:entry key="key">
      <json:entry key="_children">
           <json:value xsi:type="xs:string">value

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