See: Description
Interface | Description |
RawPlan |
An abstraction for a serialization of a plan
such as an AST in JSON format, a Query DSL in JavaScript syntax, or
RawPlanDefinition |
A Raw Plan Definition provides access to a plan
in a JSON serialization of the exported AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
for the plan.
RawQueryDSLPlan |
A Raw Query DSL Plan provides access to a plan
expressed in JavaScript syntax.
RawSPARQLSelectPlan |
A Raw SPARQL Select Plan provides access to a
plan expressed as a SPARQL SELECT statement.
RawSQLPlan |
A Raw SQL Plan provides access to a plan
expressed as an SQL SELECT statement.
RowManager |
A Row Manager provides database operations on
rows projected from documents.
RowRecord |
A Row Record provides an extended, read-only map
interface to the column values in a row.
RowSet<T> |
A Row Set represents a set of rows produced by a
plan and read from the database.
Enum | Description |
RowManager.RowSetPart |
Distinguishes between the header and rows that
constitute a row set.
RowManager.RowStructure |
Distinguishes between rows in an object
structure or array structure.
RowRecord.ColumnKind |
Distinguishes an atomic value, an array or
object container, content such as a document or other node, and a
null value.
to create the row manager. Create a PlanBuilder
object to build plan requests.Copyright © 2024 MarkLogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.