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XQuery and XSLT Reference Guide (PDF)

MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
XQuery and XSLT Reference Guide
— Chapter 1

About This XQuery and XSLT Guide

This XQuery and XSLT Reference Guide briefly describes some of the basics of the XQuery language, but describes more thoroughly the MarkLogic Server implementation of XQuery, including many of the important extensions to the language implemented in MarkLogic Server. Additionally, it describes how to invoke XSLT stylesheets and briefly describes the MarkLogic Server XSLT 2.0 implementation.

The next two chapters (XQuery Dialects in MarkLogic Server and MarkLogic Server Enhanced XQuery Language) focus on the MarkLogic Server-specific aspects of the XQuery language. If you prefer to start with the more generic aspects of the XQuery language before moving to the MarkLogic Server-specific parts, start with XQuery Language.

Specifically, this guide covers:

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