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What's New in MarkLogic 11

Internal Security ON with External Security Object Behavior Change

This section describes some changes related to external security support. You should be aware of these changes, but they do not introduce incompatibilities or necessitate a change to your application.

In MarkLogic 9 and later, you can log into port 7001 on an LDAP account when “internal security” on appserver port 7001 is set to “true” or “false”. In previous versions of MarkLogic, you can only log into port 7001 on an LDAP account if “internal security” on appserver port 7001 is set to “false”.

In MarkLogic 9 and later, you can assign multiple external security objects to an App Server. When there are multiple external security objects assigned, a MarkLogic user is authenticated and assigned to an external security based on the order in which the external security objects are assigned. In previous version of MarkLogic, you could only assign one external security object to an App Server.

If internal security is enabled for an App Server, then when a user attempts to authenticate with MarkLogic, MarkLogic first checks to see if the user is in the security database. If so, then MarkLogic verifies the credentials against the security database. When this verification fails, the behavior of MarkLogic 8 and earlier versions differs from the behavior of MarkLogic 9 and later as follows:

  • In MarkLogic 8 and earlier, if Security database verification fails, then the login attempt fails with an error.

  • In MarkLogic 9 and later, if Security database verification fails, then MarkLogic attempts to authenticate the user against any external security objects assigned to the App Server. If there are no external security objects assigned or if the user cannot be authenticated against any assigned external security objects, then the login fails with an error.

Thus, when internal security is enabled, there can be cases where a login will succeed in MarkLogic 9 that would have failed with earlier versions. The behavior is unchanged if there are no external security objects assigned to the App Server or internal security is disabled.