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What's New in MarkLogic 11

Changes to Accepted XML Character Set

As of MarkLogic 9.0-6, parsing of XML documents with an XML declaration that explicitly specifies XML version 1.1 (version="1.1") enforces the XML 1.1 character set. Consequently, you can now create content containing characters not accepted by XML 1.0.

Characters in the XML 1.1 “restricted character” ranges must be given as character entities. This enforcement applies to the following character ranges:

  • 0x1-0x8

  • 0xB-0xC

  • 0xE-0x1F

  • 0x7F-0x84

  • 0x86-0x9F

The following character ranges that were previously disallowed are now accepted.

  • 0x1-0x8

  • 0xB-0xC

  • 0xE-0x1F

Serializing content that contains characters allowed by XML 1.1 but not XML 1.0 can cause problems for client layers that cannot handle the XML 1.1 character set. You can control whether to serialize XML as version 1.0 or 1.1 by setting the output version in your App Server output options, using methods such as the following:

  • Admin Interface: Set the output version to “1.0” under Groups > yourGroup > App Servers > yourAppServer > Output Options.

  • Admin API: Call admin:appserver-set-output-version with a value of “1.0” for the $value parameter.

  • REST Management API: Send a request to PUT:/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties that sets the output-version property to “1.0”.