Forest variable1 is configured for shared disk fail-over and can't be attached to a database which is configured for database replication.
Specify a valid SSL certificate template id. You can use functions like pki:template-get-id and pki:get-template-by-name to get the correct template id.
There are depend tasks on the host or the associated group. Delete those first before moving host variable1 to a new group.
Forest variable1 is attached to a database which is enabled for database replication. Both can't be configured at the same time.
Foreign cluster variable1 can not be deleted as there are database replication dependencies. Delete replication settings for foreign replica and foreign master databases first.
Foreign master configuration can not be deleted for database variable1 as there are forest overrides. Delete foreign master forest overrides first.
Foreign replica configuration can not be deleted for database variable1 as there are forest overrides. Delete foreign replica forest overrides first.
When you configure database replication, you can either let the forests map by their names or hand pick the forests on the master and replica and map them. The latter method is nothing but configuring forest overrides. This error is seen when you configure database replication with forest overrides and later try to remove the database replication configuration without removing the forest mapping.
At least one invalid cluster id specified in foreign replica configuration. Cluster variable1 is unknown.