flexrep:document-reset( $uri as xs:string, $domain-id as xs:unsignedLong, [$target-ids as xs:unsignedLong*] ) as empty-sequence()
This function resets the URI status for all replication targets.
A reset involves retaining any record of last success, clearing any failure status, and
setting the time for the next replication attempt to the current time. The status is reset
for the specified
If no
parameter is specified, then the URI status for all replication targets is reset.
Resetting the URI status for a target is useful if the document has errored out due to too many failures, or if you want to replicate the document again.
Parameters | |
uri | The URI to be assigned the new status. |
domain-id | The ID of the replicated domain. |
target-ids | The ID of the replication target. |
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace flexrep = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/flexible-replication" at "/MarkLogic/flexrep.xqy"; (: Obtain the domain ID from the database used by the Master to enable CPF. :) let $domain := xdmp:eval( 'xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace dom = "http://marklogic.com/cpf/domains" at "/MarkLogic/cpf/domains.xqy"; fn:data(dom:get( "Replicated Content" )//dom:domain-id)', (), <options xmlns="xdmp:eval"> <database>{xdmp:database("MyTriggers")}</database> </options>) let $cfg := flexrep:configuration-get($domain, fn:true()) let $target-id := flexrep:configuration-target-get-id($cfg, "Replica") return flexrep:document-reset("http://localhost:8011/", $domain, $target-id) (: Resets the URI status for the "Replica" target. :)
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