cts:or-query( $queries as cts:query*, [$options as xs:string*] ) as cts:or-query
Returns a query specifying the union of the matches specified by the sub-queries.
cts:search(//PLAY, cts:or-query(( cts:word-query("summer"), cts:word-query("sun of York")))) => .. a sequence of 'PLAY' elements which are ancestors (or self) of some node whose text content contains the word 'summer' OR some node whose text content contains the phrase 'sun of York'. This union contains at least one 'PLAY' node with: PLAY/TITLE = "The Tragedy of King Richard the Second", but also contains other 'PLAY' nodes containing some text node with the word "summer", for example, PLAY/TITLE = "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
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