User-Defined Function API 11.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAggregateUDF Encapsulation of a User Defined Function for performing aggregate analysis across co-occurrences in range indexes
 CDate C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:date
 CDateTime C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:dateTime
 CDayTimeDuration C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:dayTimeDuration
 CDecimal C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:decimal
 CDecoder De-serialize values
 CEncoder Serialize values
 CGDay C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:gDay
 CGMonth C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:gMonth
 CGYear C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:gYear
 CGYearMonth C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:gYearMonth
 CItem Encapsulation of XQuery sequence item value type
 CLangString C++ representation of the RDF type rdf:langString, encapsulating a string value with its language
 CLexerUDF Encapsulation of a User Defined Function for performing tokenization of text runs
 CMap A key-value map, equivalent to the MarkLogic XQuery type map:map
 COutputSequence A sequence of values produced by your AggregateUDF::finish implementation
 CPoint C++ representation of the MarkLogic XQuery cts:point
 CRangeIndex Encapsulation of the configuration of a range index
 CRegistry The MarkLogic Server native plugin registry
 CReporter Log messages and report errors to MarkLogic Server. You do not need to subclass this class
 CSequence A sequence of Item values
 CStemmerUDF Encapsulation of a User Defined Function for performing stemming of individual words
 CString C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:string, encapsulating a string value with its collation
 CTime C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:time
 CToken C++ representation of the MarkLogic token
 CTupleIterator Iterator over a sequence of N-way co-occurrences of range index values from a single stand. You do not need to subclass this class
 CYearMonthDuration C++ representation of the XQuery type xs:yearMonthDuration