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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   $task-path as xs:string,
   $task-root as xs:string,
   $task-period as xs:positiveInteger,
   $task-days as xs:string+,
   $task-start-time as xs:time,
   $task-database as xs:unsignedLong,
   $task-modules as xs:unsignedLong,
   $task-user as xs:unsignedLong,
   $task-host as xs:unsignedLong?,
   [$task-priority as xs:string?]
) as element(gr:scheduled-task)


This function constructs a task to be invoked at weekly intervals. You can call admin:group-add-scheduled-task to add the task.

task-path The name of the module to be invoked. The task path must begin with a forward slash (/) and cannot contain a question mark '?', colon ':' or pound '#' character.
task-root The root directory (files system) or URI root (database) that contains the module. For example, if the module is located in the filesystem under MarkLogic/Docs, specify Docs.
task-period The number of weeks to elapse between each invocation of the module.
task-days One or more days on the specified week to invoke the module
task-start-time The time of day (in 24:00 notation) to invoke the module.
task-database The ID of the database on which the module is to be invoked.
task-modules The ID of the modules database. For example, xdmp:database("Modules"). To specify the filesystem, use 0.
task-user The ID of the user with permission to invoke the module. For example, xdmp:user("Jim").
task-host The ID of the host on which to invoke the module. Leave empty, (), to specify all hosts.
task-priority The priority of the task. Either "normal" or "higher".


  xquery version "1.0-ml";

  import module namespace admin = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/admin"
      at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";

  let $config := admin:get-configuration()
        ("Monday", "Wednesday"),
        admin:host-get-id($config, xdmp:host-name()),

     (: returns a weekly scheduled task. :)

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