$config as element(configuration),
$group-id as xs:unsigned-long,
$value as xs:string
) as element(configuration)
This function sets the initial log level for telemetry,
which is also the maximum (finest) log level that will be sent.
A configuration specification, typically as returned
from one of the Admin module functions.
The ID of the group. Typically, this is the result
of an admin:group-get-id call.
The maximum (finest) log
level at which telemetry will collect and forward logs. This must be
either "disabled" or one of the levels defined in
admin:group-set-file-log-level() (must be one of
finest, finer, fine,
debug, config, info,
notice, warning, error,
critical, alert, emergency).
If set to "disabled" then no log file data will be collected or
sent to telemetry.
Note: The logfile data collected by telemetry is unaffected
by other log level settings such as admin:group-set-log-level().
For example you may configure telemetry to send "fine" log
file data to assist in a support case, while only collecting
"info" level in the Logs directory.
Required Privileges
This operation requires at least one of the following privileges:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace admin = ""
at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";
let $config := admin:get-configuration()
let $spec := admin:group-set-telemetry-log-level($config, xdmp:group(),
admin:group-get-file-log-level($config,xdmp:group() ))
(: sets the telemetry log level to match the server's file log level :)
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