admin:database-foreign-replica( $foreign-cluster-id as xs:unsignedLong, $foreign-database-id as xs:unsignedLong, $connect-forests-by-name as xs:boolean, $lag-limit as xs:unsignedInt, [$replication-enabled as xs:boolean], [$queue-size as xs:unsignedInt] ) as element(db:foreign-replica)
This function returns a replica database configuration. Use the output of
this function in the admin:database-set-foreign-replicas
function to place the replica database configuration into the cluster
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace admin = "" at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy"; let $fdb := 7746794057802787479 let $cfg := admin:get-configuration() let $fcl := admin:cluster-get-foreign-cluster-id($cfg, "ClusterA") return admin:database-foreign-replica($fcl, $fdb, fn:true(), 300) (: Returns the replica database configuration. Use the admin:database-set-foreign-replicas function to set the configuration. :)
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