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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
Pipeline Configuration Help
The pipelines configuration page shows the pipelines that are defined
for this database. A Pipeline
specifies the series of operations to perform on documents in
particular states.
For each pipeline, the Configuration page
shows the following:
description lists the description (if available in
the pipeline).
Any on
success or on
failure actions configured in the pipeline.
All of the
states defined in the pipeline
and their corresponding actions.
A button to
delete the pipeline from the
triggers database.
To load new pipelines into the database:
Click the
Load tab.
Enter the
directory where your pipeline
XML file is stored. If the directory is on the filesystem, it
must be accessible and readable from the machine in which the
Admin interface is running. If the directory is in a database,
the user in which you are logged into the Admin interface
must have the necessary permissions to read the document.
Enter a wildcard
filter to search on, or the filename of the XML
document. For example,
entering *.xml will look for all pipeline
files in the directory with filenames ending with
Select the
source from which to load
the pipeline. You can either load a pipeline XML file from
the filesystem or load an XML document from a database.
On the Pipeline Load confirmation page,
examine the name of the pipeline(s) displayed. Only XML documents
that are in the
namespace are displayed. If the pipeline displayed is correct,
click OK to load the pipeline
into the database.
To completely remove a pipeline from the database:
Select the pipeline you want to delete
from the left tree menu.
Click the
Delete button.
It is not necessary to delete a
pipeline to detach it from a domain. Instead,
use the
Domains -> domain_name
-> Pipelines -> Detach button
to disable the pipeline for the given domain.
Buttons and Tabs:
Summary tab displays all of the
pipelines configured in this database, and includes their transitions
and a list of domains to which each pipeline is
Use the
Load tab to load new pipelines
into the triggers database for this database.
Use the
delete button on the configuration
page to delete the pipeline from the triggers database.