xdmp.databaseIncrementalBackup( forestIDs as (Number|String)[], pathname as String, [incremental-dir as String?], [journal-archiving as Boolean?], [journal-archive-path as String?], [lag-limit as (Number|String)?], [backup-kek-id as String?], [backup-passphrase as String?] ) as (Number|String)
Starts an asynchronous incremental backup of the specified list of forests to the backup data directory. Optionally starts journal archiving of the specified list of forests to the specified journal archive directory. Returns a job ID that uniquely identifies the backup task.
You cannot restore to a read-only forest.
Reindexing will stop while a backup or restore is in progress.
The backup directory must exist on each host that has a forest specified in the database backup call (that is, the d-nodes in which the forests being backed up are hosted).
If enabling journal archiving, all forests must belong to the same database.
xdmp.databaseIncrementalBackup( xdmp.databaseForests(xdmp.database("My-Database")), "/backups/Data"); => 33030877979801813489
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