spell.suggest( uri as String[], word as String, [options as Object?] ) as Sequence
Suggests a list of spellings for a word. Returns a Sequence containing the most likely spellings for the specified word.
This function only provides suggestions to words that are less than 256 characters in length; words 256 characters or longer return no suggestions. Also, it removes any dictionary entries that are 256 characters or more, so it will never return a suggestion with greater than 256 characters.
spell.suggest('myDictionary.xml', 'occasionally'); // Returns a Sequence containing suggestions such as the following, // from the dictionary with URI "myDictionary.xml": // // occasionally occasional occasion occasions occasion's // occasioned optionally educationally irrationally
// Options usage spell.suggest( '/my/dictionary.xml', 'occasionally', { distanceThreshold: 200, maximum: 4} ); // Returns a Sequence containing suggestions such as the following, from // the dictionary with the URI "/my/dictionary.xml": // // "occasionally", "occasional", "occasion", "occasions"
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