sem:bnode( [$value as xs:anyAtomicType] ) as sem:blank
This function returns an identifier for a blank node, allowing the construction of a triple that refers to a blank node. This XQuery function backs up the SPARQL BNODE() function.
This function is a built-in.
Parameters | |
value | If provided, the same blank node identifier is returned for the same argument value passed to the function. |
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace sem = "" at "/MarkLogic/semantics.xqy"; let $person1 := sem:bnode() let $person2 := sem:bnode() let $t1 := sem:triple($person1, sem:iri(""), sem:iri("")) let $t2 := sem:triple($person2, sem:iri(""), sem:iri("")) let $t3 := sem:triple($person1, sem:iri(""), $person2) return ($t1,$t2,$t3) => (: returns identifiers for blank nodes :) sem:triple( sem:blank(""), sem:iri(""), sem:iri("")) sem:triple( sem:blank(""), sem:iri(""), sem:iri("")) sem:triple( sem:blank(""), sem:iri(""), sem:blank(""))
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