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MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation

   $pkgname as xs:string,
   $srvxml as element()
) as empty-sequence()


[DEPRECATED: use cma:generate-config and cma:apply-config instead.]

Adds an app server configuration to the named package.

pkgname The name of the package to which to add the app server configuration.
srvxml The app server configuration (in XML), such as that returned from the pkg:server-configuration function.


xquery version "1.0-ml"; 
import module namespace pkg = "http://marklogic.com/manage/package" 
      at "/MarkLogic/manage/package/package.xqy";

pkg:put-server("mypackage", pkg:server-configuration("Default", "dashml"))

(: Add the configuration of the 'dashml' app server located in the 'Default'
   group to the package named, 'mypackage'. :)

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