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MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation
ooxml functions (ZIP Package)

The ZIP Package function module is installed as the following file:

  • install_dir/Modules/MarkLogic/openxml/package.xqy

where install_dir is the directory in which MarkLogic Server is installed.

To use the package.xqy module in your own XQuery modules, include the following line in your XQuery prolog:

import module namespace ooxml="http://marklogic.com/openxml" 
	    at "/MarkLogic/openxml/package.xqy";

The ZIP Package functions are used to unpack Microsoft Office Open XML documents from their compressed ZIP format into an expanded package with a directory structure, and then to insert each of those documents in a database. You can use these functions with any document that is a ZIP package, including Office 2007 documents.

3 functions
Function name Description
ooxml:package-parts This function returns the documents within the zip package.
ooxml:package-parts-insert This function inserts one document in the database for each part at the specified URI.
ooxml:package-uris This function returns the list of files in the zip package.