infodev:transaction( $document-map as map:map, $ticket-id as xs:string, $function as xdmp:function, $policy-deltas as element(info:options)?, $transaction-index as xs:integer, $context as item()?, [$error-log-level as xs:string?] ) as empty-sequence()
[DEPRECATED] This function ingests a batch of documents in a single invoked transaction.
The batch of documents is contained in $document-map
Ingestion is done using a function named by the $function
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace info = "" at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/info.xqy"; import module namespace infodev = "" at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/infodev.xqy"; (: Define a process-file function. :) declare function local:process-file( $document as node()?, $source-location as xs:string, $ticket-id as xs:string, $policy-deltas as element(info:options)?, $context as item()?) { (: You can modify the file here :) infodev:ingest($document, $source-location, $ticket-id) }; let $function := xdmp:function(xs:QName("local:process-file")) let $annotation := <info:annotation>Loading XML Shakespeare docs</info:annotation> (: Create a ticket to load contents into the myDB database. :) let $ticket := infodev:ticket-create($annotation, "myDB", (), ()) (: Gather the documents to be loaded into $entries. :) let $playdir := "C:\Shakespeare\bill_xml" let $entries := for $x in xdmp:filesystem-directory($playdir)//dir:pathname/text() [ends-with(lower-case(.), ".xml")] return xdmp:document-get($x) (: Determine the number of documents; the number of documents to be loaded in each transaction, and the total number of transactions needed to load all of the documents. :) let $entry-count := fn:count($entries) let $transaction-size := 5 (: Typically, this value would be extracted from the policy. :) let $total-transactions := ceiling($entry-count div $transaction-size) (: Create a map containing the documents to be loaded. :) let $transactions := for $i at $index in 1 to $total-transactions let $map := map:map() let $start := (($i -1) *$transaction-size) + 1 let $finish := min((($start - 1 + $transaction-size),$entry-count)) let $put := for $entry in ($entries)[$start to $finish] (: Create an ID for each document that consists of the date, a number, and a filename contructed from the title of the play, minus spaces. :) let $title := fn:replace($entry/PLAY/TITLE, " ", "") let $id := fn:concat("/", fn:format-dateTime(fn:current-dateTime(), "[Y01]-[M01]-[D01]_[H01]-[m01]-[s01]-[f01]") , "/", $index ,"/", $title, ".xml") return map:put($map,$id,$entry) return $map (: Create the transactions to load the documents into the database. :) let $ingestion := for $transaction at $index in $transactions return try { infodev:transaction($transaction, $ticket, $function, (), $index,(),()) } catch($e) { infodev:handle-error($ticket, concat("transaction ",$index), $e) } (: When the load transactions have completed, set the ticket status to "completed". :) let $_ := infodev:ticket-set-status($ticket, "completed") return () (: This query creates multiple transactions to load the XML files located in the "C:\Shakespeare\bill_xml" directory into the myDB database. Five documents are loaded in each transaction. :)
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