geokml.toKml( region as cts.region[], [namespace as String] ) as Sequence
Construct KML elements from cts:region
var geokml = require('/MarkLogic/geospatial/kml'); geokml.toKml( cts.polygon([ cts.point(5.0,1.0),cts.point(8.0,1.0),cts.point(8.0,6.0),cts.point(5.0,7.0) ]) ); /* Returns a KML polygon similar to the following: <Polygon xmlns=""> <outerBoundaryIs> <LinearRing> <coordinates>1,5 1,8 6,8 7,5 1,5</coordinates> </LinearRing> </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon> */
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