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MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation

   reducer as function,
   seed as anyValue
) as WordsSearch


Specifies a function similar to Array.prototype.reduce() to apply to each word within the slice.

reducer The reducing function.
seed The initial reduction passed to the reducing function.

Usage Notes

Your custom reducer function should have the following signature:

function (prev, current, index, state)

Where the parameters have the following contents:

The value returned by the previous call, or the seed value on the first call.
The current word.
The number of the current word.
A state object with a boolean-valued isLast> property that indicated the last call. You can set it to true to prematurely halt the reduction.

The return from the last call becomes the final reduced result.

You cannot use this method in conjunction with WordsSearch.map.

See Also

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