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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $time-limit as xs:unsignedInt,
   [$hostID as xs:unsignedLong?],
   [$serverID as xs:unsignedLong?],
   [$requestID as xs:unsignedLong?]
) as empty-sequence()


Changes the time limit for an actively running request to the specified value. If you do not supply values for the last three parameters, the function sets the time limit for the current request.

time-limit The desired time limit, in seconds.
hostID The ID of the host on which the request is running. Typically, you get the ID of a host by executing code similar to:
serverID The ID of the App Server in which the request is running. Typically, you get the ID of an App Server by executing code similar to:
requestID The ID of the request. You can access the request IDs in the request elements of the xdmp:server-status output. You get the request ID by executing code similar to:

    xdmp:server-status( xdmp:host("myHost"),
      xdmp:server("myAppServer") )//*:request-status)



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